Dog in a parade collage.
My wonderful and talented friend, Carissa, was kind enough to feature me on her blog this morning. It made me think about how I haven't been so good at blog posting lately and my etsy shop has been on vacation for most of the summer. Pretty sure all this humidity has scrambled my brain because I THINK I'M OUT OF IDEAS....
I've been doing plenty of drawing, just not turning these pieces of paper into anything share/sale-able. I need a plan, other then greeting cards. What do you want to see on etsy? at White Rabbit? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I bought a newspaper today and here are some of the headlines, in ink and colored pencil on bristol board. I think this could be a fun weekly sketchercise.
It's so so hot out today, and it's just as hot in my un-air conditioned apartment... so instead of cleaning like I'd planned, I did a quick sketch (in pencil) of each of the presidents of the United States. Most of them turned out pretty hilarious looking, but this fifth grade worthy art project really took my mind off the sweat stains I surely left on the couch.

Both of these are unfinished drawings form a religion series I'm working on. They are in ink and I have no idea how to finish them. A project I'll save for a rainy day.